Today was my chosen day to go job hunting. Today was also the day the skies decided to flood Dunedin with a monsoon. It's raining really hard, and while the water pouring down the streets in waves, and charging down the river banks is really cool to watch, it is not so cool to walk in. But I decided to go job hunting anyway. I simply would go to the grocery and buy an umbrella. Right. Well I went to the grocery, I bought my trusty new umbrella and I set out walking. About five minutes in the umbrella caved to the wind and flipped inside out. I hate when umbrellas do this. It's a pet peeve of mine. So I glare at the offending umbrella, sharply shove it into the wind and pop it back around the right way. All fixed. I keep walking.. and the umbrella flips around again.. and again.. and again.. During this time period I have only put in one resume at a salon, every where else I went was either closed or, at one book store I walked in, wandered around for a couple mins, and still no one had shown. So I left, figuring if they weren't busy enough to have one person on staff, they probably didn't need me. I walked around the whole of the Octagon. Fighting the rain, wind, and my now un-trusty umbrella the whole way. I was getting discouraged by the lack of places to go, and not really being certain where TO go... When the rain really picked up and wind flipped my umbrella around inside out so fast, it smacked me in the face and bent the arms around the wrong way. So now my trusty umbrella is not only un-trusty, it is also broken. So I walked back to the car in the pouring rain... I now look like a drowned rat and am freezing. So I decided to come home and dry off, cause no one will hire me looking the way I do now anyway. Hopefully I will warm up, fix my hair up, I am thinking I might just wear a hat, and head out again later. Which might be problematic as I no longer have an umbrella, as it throughly kicked my tush earlier. It's a sad day when an umbrella can beat you up. Maybe the rain will let up, and I can go hunting with no fear of drowning. Either way.. this morning was a bust. Mostly I am angry I spent money on an umbrella that couldn't withstand one rainy day before breaking. That is a truly sad umbrella.
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