Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Me, Myself, and Why.

So, I've been doing a lot of introspective thinking as of late. I love to 'people watch'. To try and figure out someone's life, what makes them tick, why they are going where they're going in the few brief seconds that I see them pass by. I wouldn't be surprised if I enjoy this so much because it means that I don't have to do the same to myself. If I'm busy figuring out the world, no need to figure out myself.

I'm both blessed and brutally cursed by the desire to do everything. It's really quite ridiculous and the sheer impracticality of these tendencies is surprisingly frustrating. I hear a song that I love, I not only want to be able to write music like that, but then to be able to sing in the same fashion, to write similarly poetic and deep lyrics, and to produce and record in a manner that makes you forget that it was produced or recorded. I see some ridiculous parkour video and think, "I can and will do that" as I sit on the couch eating popcorn. I see an episode of Castle focused on 'steampunk' and suddenly want to dress like an 18th century futuristic inventor. I see an amazing photo of the stars, and immediately set out to take a similar yet better photo.
I finished reading "Blue Like Jazz" today, a book that gives me this cool feeling and this oddly indescribable image of a 'vibe' that I want my life to have, and thought, I could, can, and will write a book like that. I suck at writing. I turned off the Kindle on which I read said book, and a pencil sketch of Mark Twain pops up as the background. I think to myself, "I can do that! I'm gonna start sketching and painting old artists because, lets face it, they're cool!" Its relentless.
I give you this ridiculous list not because I'm disillusioned enough to think that you give a crap, nor because I want to show off all of the fantastic things I'm interested in, but more to show that we all have this list of amazing things we want to do, and for some reason feel that the majority of life is completely giving up on our impractical dreams!
For some reason there is this ill-conceived concept that once I start doing something I love, that I must in turn give up every other dream I've had, because we only get one dream. I'm not entirely sure where I got this idea, but its quite unsavory. The reality is that we can do whatever the heck we want, yes, we'll have to work our tails off for the majority of it, and endure a surprising amount of stuff that we don't 'love' to get there. But the joy of it, is that in this journey to find our dreams, we usually run across things, friendships, and experiences, that are far better than the initially pursued dream.

As a disclaimer, I realize that chasing your dreams can be a very selfish ambition. I do, however, believe that when done with taste, and with a combined spirit of overall selflessness, dream chasing is what keeps us on our toes and less likely to live in a commonly occupied rut known as the 'American Dream'.

On a side note, I didn't begin to put a dent in my list. We didn't even get going on places I want to live or the plethora of creative projects I wish to complete.

This blog went nowhere, but it got my thoughts on paper, so thats cool. And by paper, I naturally mean the world wide web where everyone can now 'people watch' me.

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