It also never really matters what we do, as long as we do it together. We are a cheap date. But a couple of our tops favs are these: Watching movies or shows together snugged on the couch. Going and taking pictures of what ever place has caught our fancy. Going out to eat at new restaurants we have never been to before(very easy to do here as we have been no where before :D) Going and sitting on the beach(this can also include picture taking and or food)
And there is no one else I would ever want to be with, or any where I would ever go if he wasn't with me. He is my home and my safety. My comforter and my provider.
Things lately have been... a little rough in terms of money and jobs. We both pretty much lost a job and have been searching to replace them. With out much luck at this point. And though it is hard, and I get beaten down with worry and stress some times, there is absolutely no where I would rather be, then right here, broke as a joke, scrambling for money, learning how to live on nothing, living the dream and spending time on the beach, with my best friend and lover. And I am going to try to always be thankful that God brought us here, to this place of intense joy and intense struggle, just so I could spend so much time with my favorite redhead.

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